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This is also how we keep Grace consistently dressed on-panel.




Is Nanase bigger than she was before this room?


She's back to her original hair / clothing color and is no longer wearing makeup, but she's otherwise still transformed with longer hair, legs, and various other figure changes.


“Extremely British and Mustached man wearing a Monocle” or Ebammwam may be my new favorite non canon character


Damnations and vexations, EBAMWAM! >:( In all seriousness, a very cute strip.


Yes, this is a very cute and funny solution to the nakedness issue. :)

Matt R

Nanase never stops being cute and sexy at the same time in these.


Eh, I still think making it an issue is the only thing making it an issue, but this is cute. :) ... Uncensored Patreon exclusive edition when? :D


We can only hope. :P ... Seriously when the Tumblrpocalypse happened I almost expected a single panel of topless Grace screaming "FEMALE PRESENTING NIPPLES. That is all."


I bet the Angelic Tweeting Bird feels left out...


Random realization: The main reason to go about setting something like this up would be to re-use it in future strips. -Realization algebra processes here- Calculated Realization: This means that Sarah's not getting her clothes back anytime soon. :P


How comes the more I read this story, the more I need the ship Nanase Craft x Sarah to be real? This would work so well!


Wait till he gets shocked and the monocle pops off. :D

David Fenger

It's hard to fly in mazes like this, plus some of the doors have probably closed behind them...


And look! In the last panel Sarah is already dressed for a ship.


Missing a few canon to be a proper destroyer :p. I'd argue she is always dressed to be shipped with Nanase, though. But now I am imagining japanese high school romance between the two, and that would be so fun x).


But light guns can be highly effective at close range. ;-)


Gotta admit, that would have been an epic way of defying the insanity.


Huh. What are the odds we can shock him enough that eaverything pops off? FOR SCIENCE!


YES. Poor Angelic Tweeting Bird, it seems like she never gets to show up these days.


She's equipped with a couple of large guns right now. ;)


OR it means Dan felt that drawing Sarah in a bunch of different outfits was more fun than making another <a href="http://egscomics.com/comic/2014-08-22" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://egscomics.com/comic/2014-08-22</a> page? Or it could be both.

Kevin Wright

"Various other figure changes" indeed. Also, curse you, Mustached Man!


Never been so upset to see a mustachiod brit :p


This'll end with Sarah going "you paid her HOW much" at Diane, and Nanase doing a cartoon smoke disappearing act.

Some Ed

I've heard from a source that I usually find to be reliable that the mustached man has enjoyed his current and various related sorts of employment for quite some time, and I dare say he's probably seen a rather large amount of things that one might normally consider quite risque. I would even go so far as to say that he's seen portions of Dan's sketchbook that we have not been privy to. It's really quite unlikely that anything would likely shock him at this point. Um, I should probably admit that the usually reliable source may have actually been myself, just a few minutes ago, as I read this for the first time. If that is, in fact the case, it's probably not actually reliable at all.

James C

When Dan gives in to rampant commercialism, and adds a $50-per-month pledge tier?


The Prudish Pidgeon? I have a mental image of her being knocked out cold having ran into a door at full blast about 2 pages back. ;) Failing that, I totally ship her and the distraction duck.