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I have had a sandwich and some juice since then.

While I might still decide it's for the best to remove some old posts eventually (especially if I get flagged again), I'm not feeling the same just-shy-of-overwhelming compulsion to do so.

I sorta want to redo some of them even if I don't decide to delete any, though. Some were just drawn poorly in my opinion, and others I'd rather redo in ways I'd like.



I can definitely understand that one. Do what makes you comfortable, I'd say - I can't speak for anyone else, but I get it at least a bit.


Be careful with the announcement and backtracking before the SEC gets interested :p


I feel you there, dude. Your art has improved amazing in the last few years, and if you want to redo something, go for it! As far as the Tumblr thing goes, it's a case of a website deciding to KILL ITSELF, not anything related to you. Heck, there's Twitter, soup.io and Pillowfort to migrate to in the worst case scenario, and you're already on Twitter.


Is there any way to edit old posts? Because I could see replacing (some) of the old ones with links to the new / replacement ones.


Hope you're feeling better. :) Don't worry, be happy, and draw what you want--you know we're all happy to have it. If you tweak and redraw things so you're more comfortable with them, we'll be all "Whee! New content!" or "Ooh, art style comparisons," and if you don't, I really don't think anyone's going to mind. I feel like we're a pretty chill fanbase.


This post was a huge relief, if you do remove posts from Patreon would there be a chance that you might archive them somewhere?

J. Jenny Jameson

Try not to sweat it, Dude. We've all been there.

Matt R

Personally, I would rather you not delete the pics and keep them if only for fans of those pics and to show how far you've come as an artist


Yeah, also been there. No worries.


Yeah, naps and sandwiches can help out things in perspective


Honestly I agree with you but it's always best to make a good choice on a full stomach and a good night's sleep :)


I fully support going back and redrawing old pics! And keeping them up means you can link to them so we can do a side-by-side to see how much more amazing you've gotten!

Frédéric B.

I wonder if anyone among Tumblr's staff ever stopped to ask "wait, how many of our users joined shortly after we made safe mode mandatory for visitors?"

John Trauger

I'd be interested in seeing your redos but don't feel you have to do anything.

Dan Merget

That's one of the things I like about EGS. It has one of the most dramatic improvements I know of between the first strip and the latest. If not for the clear progression in between, it would be hard to believe they were drawn by the same person.


and strongly hinted at nudity without showing anything (if you can still get away with that)