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Poll Description - George, turned into a smaller woman hours ago, finally looks away from his game long enough to notice what’s happened

How? Why? No one knows, but it took him five hours to notice.



Erin Halfelven at BigCloset

I like the pink and yellow (I like the whole drawing, too, a lot), but think the look would pull together better with a darker blue.


George is going a little Fluttershy in that second picture


Hah, when I'm really engrossed in a game, I could totally see this happening without me noticing. I once went 24 hours without getting out of my chair to do anything but drink water and poop. WoW was a hell of a drug.

John Trauger

...but did it change how he names his/her pokemon?


"Alright, who put the moon stone in my milkshake?"


I'm just wondering how he was looking down at his hands the whole time and didn't notice something(s) getting in the way. :p


So, is it just me or is George a lot bigger in this image than the last frame of the old sketchbook? Perhaps the transformation continued at a very slow pace during those five hours, hmm?


I'd like to think what makes him notice is the absence of pockets when he goes to put the game away. Not sure why.


George is usually more observant than this.


Gives a slight Washu vibe in appearance to me


I wonder why he looked down from his game...

Peter Christensen-Calvin

Whether or not this is strange depends entirely on what game he was playing.


Though I note that George is actually remarkably aware of what's happening around him while he's gaming. Especially the interpersonal relationships happening around him.


Fem George has the best hair in the comic.