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Look, we all lose things, SARAH.

EDIT: Accidentally had a non-HD version! Sorry about that.




.... are those quadboobs?


Multi-pointing in panel 3, hysterical! :-)


"Wait, why do you have multiple sets of breasts? Spiders don't have mammaries at all." "SCIENCE." "Good enough."


I'm sure he'll be fine, but being webbed up stuck in a ventilation shaft falls under 'unintentionally horrifying' XD Spider Grace needs to start carrying around little gps tags for these situations. Very practical and double as tracking beacons.


... huh, not every day you see a hexachest!

Stephen Gilberg

And here I've always seen Spider-Man as a merciful superhero for focusing on binding rather than beating.


Oh why hello multibreast you have been missed


Spider-Grace, Spider-Grace. Gonna web you right in your face. Fighting crime, here and there, Leave 'em all webbed up everywhere. Big hugs! From six-armed Spider-Grace.


So... it claims to be HD, but isn't.


Yeah, Sarah, go find your boobs then we can talk about Grace misplacing things. (no I see that it's just the jacket covering them, first panel shows she does have them. I just wanted to make a joke...)


Hm, Sarah's first line is typically a police cliche in comics. Is Sarah a cop in this scenario (instead of being a reporter like with SuperElliot)?


Huh, cool form for Grace. Though I've never been fond of multiboob. But this does remind me of Spinnerette, a webcomic I used to read a lot.


Clearly spider-humans have larger litters than human-humans, so they need more nipples. Grace is just accurately taking the form of a female spider-human. Explanation explained.


Well I've found a new favorite Super. Multi boob has been missed a lot.


I kind of just assumed Spider-Grace had either (a) 2 breasts, and a segmented thorax whose other 2 parts had a passing resemblance to pairs of human breasts, or (b) a segmented thorax in 3 parts each of which had a passing resemblance to a pair of human breasts.


I got one on a van that exploded o(0H0)o


That's my interpretation - and probably someone in a leadership position. Of course that means that her expression in the final panel is partially a result of her thinking "Great, that means I and my officers are going to need to go all around the city collecting these crooks. And how are we going to get the ones several floors up on the sides of buildings?"


Personally I'm curious to see the casual alternatives for this one, just for the hilarity and to see if she keeps her mask on.


Regarding the mutl-pec thing: If Grace got her arms through a comic book 'mutation' that modified her original DNA, and there's something in the human female DNA that says "Anywhere there's pecs, there are lumps of fat (e.g. boobs)", then growing extra pecs WOULD mean she could grow additional lumps of fat. If they are genetically connected. I am neither a humans biologist nor a whale biologist but I *am* a fungal biologist and dang it, that's how I feel.