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Today's story comic is taller because of the title, but the size I'm trying out is basically 730x1080.

I want to make sure this size isn't causing problems for anyone, hence the poll. Please elaborate if it's somehow an issue via comment, or any other way of contacting me you might prefer.

I'm mostly concerned with any issues the vertical height might cause for reading the comic, if any.

NOTE: If I do make the comics smaller, they'll still be bigger than what they used to be. I'll just try a middle ground next.



I'm of two minds of this one. It honestly feels just ever so slightly too big to me, but that might just be me being used to the previous size. It's definitely not causing me any trouble though.


On a 4k screen in chrome with the bookmark bar on, it fits perfectly if the window is maximized. Based on the voting, I guess you don't have too many viewers on a 1080p screen.


I don't mind the new size. The old size does look a little better on my screen (at the smaller size, I can see two and a half rows of panels at a time and get a better view of the overall composition of the page, versus the bigger size, where I can see about one and a half rows at a time), but I'd probably get used to the new size fairly quickly if you keep using it.


Mah spoon is too big!


It's a bit bigger than what easily fits on a 1080p screen, but IMO that'd only be an issue if there was a panel that was the height of the whole page. If you asked me, I'd say "could we get this, but 50% bigger still?" I really like your art style, and often wish you'd have larger versions of all panels available... Here's a thought: If you look at Questionable Content's current front page, the image for the comic is actually quite a lot bigger than what you see on the page. It's scaled down a bit from full size, I guess to accommodate certain resolutions? I'd like this to be a thing with EGS as well, high resolution comic uploads that can be easily accessed, but scaled down via CSS a bit where necessary when viewing. Not holding my breath on this, but the point is that I think your art deserves as large a resolution as you can comfortably upload at.

Andrew Pam

EGS:NP Aug 20 panel one should be "I, Greg ... challenge you", not "I challenges you". No wonder the Grace thinks it's a weird thing to say!


Looks great on both my desktop (27" screen) and my tablet. No complaints here.


As one of the obnoxious geeks who has a second 1080 monitor in portrait mode, it fits perfectly. And for fun, click on the "first comic" link to compare and contrast. You've come a long way Dan!


I, too, have a second monitor in portrait mode. It's wonderful for viewing Dan's Patreon pinups, since they're pretty much always in portrait orientation, which is just awful for viewing on widescreen monitors. Mine's one of those weird 1920x1200 monitors, though, rather than 1080p. I don't even know why that resolution exists, though it works well enough for my purposes.


I love 1920x1200! I used to have a monitor that did that, and I so prefer it! Yeah, you get black bars on most wallpapers, but all the same!


Also a 1920x1200 monitor here. Very nice because I can still see my task bar while remoting into a machine with a 1080 display without having to scroll. Which has nothing to do with the question at hand. I'm fine with the new size. Vertical scrolling is no big deal. Now, if the comics get large enough that I have to scroll horizontally (and my browser is NOT full-screened, so there's rather less than that 1920 to play aorund with), then we're gonna have to have words. 'Kay?

Crissa Kentavr

It seems to rescale fine. I mostly use lower rez monitors but your pages are set to scale so... perfect!


I do most of comic viewing on my phone: As long as text is legible in landscape mode with the width of comic matching screen size, then it's all good! (I do the same on my desktop too by the way, so the suggestion of higher res images is also great)

Aaron Mandelbaum

The old size was already too big to fit on my screen all at once, so it doesn't make much of a difference.


It doesn't fit on an iPad Air 2 screen*. This wouldn't be an issue for viewing new comics, as I scroll down anyway to read the comments, but when I'm re-reading the archives I like to lazily just keep clicking for each page. Adding click-scroll to each page would be annoying and cumbersome when holding the pad with one hand. *As a guide, "They're both great but" is the last line visible at the bottom of the screen, and "mean jerks" is cut in half.


Yeah, I have a problem. There isn't enough comic. Moar! :P Just kidding, of course. The size seems to work fine in my browser.


With my default settings, we went from two-and-a-half rows fitting on my screen at once, to only two rows fitting at once. That's fine for comics like this one, and as for title pages and other pages with panels that stretch from top to bottom, it's not much worse than it's been since you switched to the previous size. At any rate, I can always resize the page if I have an issue, so I'd just ask that you make sure the text is legible when zoomed out a bit.


If you’re willing to muck around with the CSS code for the site, you could use media queries (<a href="https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_mediaquery.asp" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_mediaquery.asp</a>) to automatically resize the comic if the browser’s width is less than the width of the full-resolution image. That way, you can make the comics larger, but not mess things up for people who are viewing on a cell phone or other small screen.


More size is never a problem! Especially for your comic. Or Susan-Moo, for that matter...


That'd be the optimal solution (though I think matching height rather than width is the target here), full resolution uploads that are displayed at whatever size fits the viewing device. =)


You forgot the option "Not big enough" :p