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EDIT: I made all the white parts of this comic a very light grey by accident and somehow didn't notice it at first

Part of me wanted to give Justin some sort of top to wear, because I want the standardized Grace-A-Monster trainer outfits to basically be the same regardless of sex. I decided I wanted to draw mer-Justin completely shirtless, however, so I interpret this as a rare exception.

Your interpretations may vary :P




Our interpretations may vary? So, we are free to interpret that topless mermaid Nanase is swimming around somewhere offscreen? :P

Dragon Writer Luc

<a href="http://comic.nodwick.com/?comic=2010-06-14" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://comic.nodwick.com/?comic=2010-06-14</a> How uncommon are booze-breathing mermaids with huge--


Psyquackgrace used HYPNOSIS! *Pulls a lava lamp from her pouch*

Matt R

I want to see Mermaid Nanase as well. Changer brings up a good point

Matt R

I second this. More Mermaid Nanase is a good thing to see


would probably be a good time for both Mermaid Nanase AND Mermaid Ellen to appear. Cus you know Nanase would really go gaga over seeing Mermaid Ellen.


Sounds like a job for an almost-impractically small vest if you ask me, but far be it for me to argue with any shirtless-ness.



James C

As the Gary-expy, Nanase probably has a speedboat. :(

James C

Or comically small tiny seashells on Justin's nipples?

Stephen Gilberg

I may be unusual for not lusting after mer-anythings. I concentrate too much on the lower half.


Instead of a top you could have Nanase with two starfish Grace-A-Monsters on her chest.