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Wait. I made the hypnosis Grace sheep-like. I only did that because it seemed fitting after I put the swirls in the bangs of her hair, and the Pokémon that inspired her has a sort of mane around their neck.

I wasn't even thinking of "counting sheep". I literally only realized the appropriateness as I sat down to write something here.

Why am I at my most clever when it's unintentional?!

EDIT: Minor fix.




I'm very curious about whatever the heck it is that they're actually doing.

Matt R

And now the fans wish the bushes weren't there


Nanase and Justin(who got soaked by Shellgrace) are naked and not looking at each other, while the fire-type Grace dries out their wet clothes.


Charlotte looks awesome.

Drew "Ununnilium" Perron

oh goodness Hypnograce. Let's keep heading in the direction of Things Which Are Appealing In Weird Ways *.*

Stephen Gilberg

Here I thought HypnoGrace had hypnotized them into getting naked and Gracemander was admiring the shorts, possibly with intent to wear them.


I hope Gracemander knows what she's doing and doesn't light the bushes or the clothes on fire.


not look at each other??? who has that much self control??????


Or rather, people who are attracted to the same gender as themselves.


"Hey, Nanase. Nice bush." Or perhaps it is... A SHRUBBERY!