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I referenced a Jesse from Team Rocket figure for the first panel, and yes, of course I have a Jesse from Team Rocket figure.

EDIT - Very minor edit to a speech bubble ^^;




"TEAM ELLEN! SHOOT BEAMS AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT because that's kind of the speed at which beams fire, being beams and all - crud, can I start over?"


> I have a Jesse from Team Rocket figure. Pics plz. :P


Wait, *do* her beams fire at the speed of light? They may look like light, but they're actually magic, so they don't have to obey the laws of physics.

Matt R

And the shippers rejoice!


Team Ellen runs off at the speed of light, but I don't see Nanase putting up much of a fight. :)

Stephen Gilberg

I don't think it's shipping when Ellen and Nanase are already a couple. Or did you have another pair in mind?


I have that Jesse figure too o( >t< )d