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Several separate things sold me on this storyline, one of them being Grace as a Gracemander.

It's fun to say, darn it.




So what's the other, a Squirtsquirrel?

David Fenger

The piggyback ride in panel three is very cute.


My first Pokemon game was Yellow. In it, the rival is given an Eevee. My first Pokemon experince, I tried Growl Pikachu knew only Thundershock and Growl. My Rival, incredibly, went in for the kill with Tackle and Tail-Whip. I lost that fight. I did not white out. I missed the second fight outside of Victory Road because I passed it by on my way to Pewter City not even knowing it was there. Turns out Yellow verison was clever with the rival. If you beat him twice, he evolves his starter into Jolteon and makes his team accordingly. Beat him once and loss once or skip the second fight and he makes a Flareon. My Rival made a Vaporeon. It made for pretty fun, but almost anticlimactic battles at the Elite Four.