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Nanase, you didn't think it was going to be that easy to get entirely back to normal, did you?

And yes, I did edit out Nanase's dialogue in the flashback, because even flashbacks have to stick to the rules, darn it!

EDIT - Minor shadow correction




This is a good change. This strip is full of good changes. :)


Hehe, the part of Goonmanji 2 being referenced and played with here is one of my favorite parts. Real glad to see Nanase show back up again. :)

Stephen Gilberg

It's a little disturbing to include child forms in an arc that arouses a lot of lust otherwise.


I highly approve of the new size of Nanase'a shirt, vest, and shorts. I'm sure Ellen does too.


Earlier times were just funny to my mind, and this time it's a joke on her having been like that all that time and (sort of) returning her to normal. Not trying to convince you you're wrong to feel that way, it's entirely subjective, but I figured I'd at least share my intent.


Sure some super shorts shrinkage.

Stephen Gilberg

Oh, I figured as much, Dan. You cater to a lot of fetishes, but I trust you to draw the line somewhere.

Anthony Wilson

Very nice, although I am a little disappointed that Nanase didn't get her normal muscle tone back.


We only know about the thongs we know about. *AHEM* More Thongs, Dan!


Big Nanase in a little coat ♫


Not a big fan of the tiny shorts thing myself. It just looks like underpants.


Now that you mention it, limited fabric is now deployed over considerably greater assets.