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"The longer I ponder, the more likely these three will give in to various urges while I'm around to witness it."

Ha ha, just kidding. Susan is carefully considering what form she wants.




Paul Rendell

I'm gonna go with... both.


Hmmm.....question. If Ashley, Rhoda and Cat gave into urges of a certain nature....say, one which would induce jealousy in Ashley's boyfriend...would that be covered under the non-canon clause or does the 'everyone involved has consented or they wouldn't be on panel' clause extend to cover relationships as well?

James C

Susan's current thought process: "Hmm, no Ditzy is Obvious. Cowgirl was fun, but Honeybadger was liberating... Or do I try out what Fox with is like with Sensei instead of Furry?"


Man, Rhoda is REALLY laying on the sultry looks, isn't she?


Rhoda and Cat sure have a fun interaction on this page. :)

Jared Fattmann

Rhoda does seem to look more urge-some with each panel she appears in since the game ended...


The different yet similar commentaries on the patreon and normal site are appreciated Dan.


Still loving this. :) And hoping Ashley and Rhoda both go for at least one more change, even though Rhoda looks like she's... truly enjoying the one she just got. :P I'm also looking forward to seeing what Susan decides on - she approached the transformations from a much more intellectual/mental level than the others, so it'll be interesting to see what she decides on.


There's an entire erotica category associated with panel 2... What I edited an erotica site for a while. It was a job.


Say it with me folks, Cow, Cow, cow! Gooooo cow! Lol

Matt R

Here's hoping Cow Susan returns


You enjoy suggesting plots for the fan fic writers, don't you?

John Trauger

"Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"


"I think so, Brain, but how do I convince Catalina to give us all the cow form?" :p


I can't wait to see what Susan or the girls figure out.