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"Granted, I miss pants a fair bit, and I'm not big on high heels, but there's enough I've got going on here that I like to want to stick with it."



Matt R

...I get the distinct feeling the 100th page is this form being removed

John Trauger

is the period at the end of Susan's line "Why would I do this thing." intentional? I can see it being a style thing. badger-Susan don't care 'bout question marks...


I love the lack of question mark on Susan's last line.


It's a way of showing that she's making a statement in the form of a question, rather than actually asking a question.

Paul Rendell

"Why would I want to change what I am? I'm awesome!"

Stephen Gilberg

Hard to believe how close we are to 100 already. Time flies when you're having fun.