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Poll Description - Shrunken FV5 cat girl Susan with Catalina  

I imagine it hardly needs saying, but the alternative version gives Susan Rhoda's color palette, and may or may not actually be Rhoda.

Granted, given how transformations work, this could be Sarah and Nanase for all we know. The interpretation is up to you.




Pats? Pats.

Stephen Gilberg

I'm unaccustomed to cat tails that wide.


"Clearly this outfit doesn't make a lot of SENSE as far as actual logic goes. The tummy cut away is a little bit overkill and - and - oh that is good don't stop oh fuzzy gods why is getting pets this good...!"


In fact, the tummy cutaway could make sense: many cats have a different coat colour for their underbelly, and the cutaway might be a way to represent this. (not counting the fact that it makes belly rubs more efficicent)

David Fenger

I love seeing Susan so relaxed while being touched.


Now I want to see Rhoda with that figure and those facial features if she were scaled up to normal size and taller than Catalina. I bet neither would mind.




cute and gay


A little silly on my part, perhaps, but I'm loving that extra touch of the old-style magicians wand on the end-table. Makes me wonder where it came from and who "made" it...


One was in the background of the last one with Susan and Justin, too. That wand's been getting around as the random thing in the background that somehow explains everything :D