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Poll Description - Male Susan and Justin failing to keep Susan experimenting with a form professional  

The plan was simply for Susan to try out various male forms with input from Justin, but Susan has a bit of a quirk in which she's a lot more open to physical contact while male, and... well... Experimentation happened, not the sort they had originally planned.

Incidentally, that quirk IS canon. We know this due to Grace's birthday party.



Stephen Gilberg

The quirk makes sense, if she thinks that males are less vulnerable to, or at least less likely to be targeted for, assault.

Dragon Writer Luc

Kokoro Connect gave the universal answer to such assault. I'd be surprised if Susan doesn't know about it. (See panel 2 in this comic: <a href="http://grrlpowercomic.com/archives/241)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://grrlpowercomic.com/archives/241)</a>


Saw the title first. Made assumptions. Those assumptions were quickly dashed. lol

Sam Mann

Quick question, what poll are these images from?

Daryl Sawyer

MSusan... whoah. Is my sexuality a mixture of heterosexuality and... Uryom?


August. I'm doing catch up at the moment. All poll options were male / male, as I wanted some darn male milestone images, darn it. The next one from that poll period involves Noah and Tedd (both male) trying to out-feminize each other.


This is attributing a level of logic and rationality not really associated with Susan's phobias and anxieties, which she knows perfectly well to be illogical while persisting nonetheless. It also attributes said phobias to some sort of single reason, which generally isn't the case. Were it simply a matter of not feeling threatened, touching and being touched by Elliot or Sarah would be perfectly acceptable to her without any hesitation or anxiety afterward.


I realize that the beard stubble was probably there to make extra sure people knew Susan was male in this picture, but it looks *really* out of place. Susan is very concerned about germs, and I am pretty sure she would also be concerned about her own personal hygiene. I simply can't picture a male version of her being anything other than clean shaven.


I would hope the rest of her would be evidence enough, but really, it's just them (and me) experimenting. She just happened to be trying out having stubble when things escalated.


I'm sorry, I know you like trying out different looks and such with the characters. The stubble itself looks alright, and male Susan with the same long hair is a rather interesting combo.


People who have issues with germs can actually be very messy in a number of ways due to an aversion to contact with dirty things (a hazard of cleaning) and not wanting to have to wash their hands *again*. Heck, Susan and I have commonality with these issues, and I have very irregular shaving tendencies, sometimes having a light beard, sometimes not.


I am shocked that there is body hair discourse about this image and it’s not about the complete lack of a snail trail on both the boys.


Rather squicked by Susan's stubble...