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Ashley's suggestion was originally going to be a joke comment in the description for the previous comic, but upon realizing that that's totally something Ashley would suggest, I decided it had to become a comic.

Yeah, much like mental and physical transformations appeal to Ashley in a safe environment, so do, um, "malfunctions". Technically, her fantasies involve being in very public places, but she does know the difference between fantasy and reality.




KITTY KITTY KITTY Of course Ashley would want that. She'll get along fantastically with Tedd, Grace, and Sarah. Edit: Also, CUTE LITTLE FANGS!


Public? She's a bit of an exhibitionist?


She is and she isn't. It's mostly her transformation fantasies tend to involve an audience.


... I used to think it would be funny to have Grace find out about "Casual Sarah," now I wanna see Casual Sarah and Ashley get zapped at the same time just to see the interplay. :P


Cheetah Ashley is the BEST! I want to pet her.


"...she does know the difference between fantasy and reality." Wait...what? O_O" You mean she's Schizophrenic? or... *squints at the sentence and thinks for a minute* ...are you trying to say she doesn't yet get why that fantasy wouldn't be as fun in reality? Because based on her previous requirements about safe environments...I'd think she does? ...I'm confused...


Ashley first got interested in Elliot while watching his movie reviews. As Diane mentioned at some point, the popularity of the show makes Elliot a minor celebrity. If you get into a relationship with someone in the public eye, you are also in the public eye, so you better be comfortable with that. From there it's a short step to being a bit of an exhibitionist.


This storyline (or maybe all of EGS) would be very different if Ashley was the one writing it, wouldn't it. :) And this comic is making me much more okay with an Ashley/Rhoda/Catalina ship.


you go Ashley!!!!


I think maybe you've read a negation in there somewhere, that's not actually present? Because to me, that quoted sentence is confirming that, yes, Ashley is aware most of her fantasies would not be as fun (or might be genuinely awful) in reality -- thus why she requires a safe environment to play with them at all. That is, her malfunction fantasies actually involve very public places, but she recognises that the reality of tranformation hjinks gone wrong in a very public place would not be much fun to experience.

Otter Annason

The problem with clothing not able to "adjust to other changes" is not so much when you're shrinking, but expanding. Clothes falling off is survivable; being crushed/choked by things suddenly much too small not so much.

Dragon Writer Luc

Except that in EGS, transformation is convenient unless your name is Vlad. The clothing would just get destroyed.


Love Rhoda's "interested" little smile in the last panel.

Blitz Gamer

Now I want a cheetah Ashley pinup


Seconded on the pinup. She's just so enthusiastic.