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Once again, I wish to remind everyone that this is based on actual playtesting, and that I did thoroughly shuffle the deck. I did not scheme to suddenly have big hips everywhere.

That said, elephants actually have low body fat percentages, so we can't entirely blame random chance, here.



Stephen Gilberg

Dan, I think you should see the animation "Princes and Princesses," particularly the last of its six stories, in which a prince and princess keep changing animal forms as they kiss.


Please tell us mote, such has where we could gain more info and possibly watch this thing.


I agree with Susan, less talk more play! lol

Stephen Gilberg

Well, it's available on disc through Netflix. I once found the last act on YouTube, albeit blandly dubbed and slowed down to teach English, but the video seems to be gone. The French title is easy enough: "Princes et princesses." You might as well watch the whole thing; it's only 70 minutes, including the credits.

Anthony Wilson

I do hope we see more of Susan in this form, sounds like it’s giving her a chance to let her evil side out for a bit.


I just want to say I've really liked this week's strips. I was hoping for some more interaction between Ashley and Rhoda and Catalina, since they haven't said much to each other during the game, and it's been great to see that. :) And that sudden change for Catalina in the last panel is hilarious and awesome.


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ83Vrxq9WY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ83Vrxq9WY</a>


My suggestion for a end to this story line or a new story line is the after party.

John Trauger

Poor Catalina. Another victim of inflation...


A Hanma party would be a fun story. Her hosting the party, but everything there transforms you, whatever you eat or drink or whatever party game you play or just randomly. :)


" I did not scheme to suddenly have big hips everywhere." uh huh....suuuuuurrrrreee!! smirk smirk - hhaha

Daryl Sawyer

And I'm like daaaaang Susan plays to win. Another point in her favor.


Question, how would this game work with Grace playing? Since she's a non-magic shapeshifter that isn't enchanted when transformed. I would imagine she wouldn't shift out of a form out of respect for the rules of the game but still curious if she could. Also would she be able to get new forms while playing this and if so would that include clothing morphs?


Might be like Goonmanji 1, where she decides to stick with the transformations out of a sense of fairness. It's no fun if she can just evade consequences.