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Past me: "Should I have Professor Hanma with her professor proportions, or just standard adult Hanma proportions? Hmm..."

Present me: "Don't look at me! Past me decided that!"




OMG that center panel is crazy adorable. And the other two are... less so. :) Also, shouldn't there be a colon after "true meaning of terror"?


I think Hanma's proportions are just right. :) And I see suggestions for magician Hanma for the bonus art in my future. Though I wonder how much Susan's new form will matter, since it's Ashley's turn next and she only needs one more point to win.


At least they're not guys, so it can't be a double-dog dare...

John Trauger

I like Hanma's professorial proportions...


Unfortunately for Ashley, she just used all her cards, which will make buying a space rather difficult...


I thought that she had more cards because she got the bonus from Rhoda a few times, and the comics show her holding three cards but that doesn't have to mean they're all she has. But I haven't been keeping track. We'll see what happens on Monday.


I hadn't been keeping track either, and thought the same thing. But after a comment elsewhere I went and checked, and it turns out she already used her extra cards on previous turns.