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Sidenote: I'll be finishing up at least 3 more milestone images over the next week (they're each already at the inking stage)

Top two win, you can select more than one option, poll ends at Midnight eastern US time January 3rd (so right when January 2nd ends). This is about 12 hours more time than normal because people might be busy and/or hung over the next couple of days.

I know some forms are on here twice, and there is a serious excess of cowbell. There’s a reason, however! There’s an option for me to download additional information on how people voted in a couple previous polls, and I used this to find the forms that most correlated with the pairings voted for.

For example, Ditzy Furry Fox Rhoda was more popular with people who also voted for a Rhoda and Catalina pairing, and Cowgirl Rhoda was more popular with people who also voted for an Ashley and Rhoda pairing.



Cowgirl Ashley <i>and</i> Cowgirl Rhoda? :O Oh please, oh please, oh please be one of the winners...

Daryl Sawyer

Christopher Walken will be happy, anyway.


I think Goonmanji 2 has given lots of people a fever.