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We're genuinely at a point where it really wouldn't be out of character for all sorts of stuff I wouldn't be comfortable posting on the site to start happening.

...Wait, did I type that out loud? o_o




Everyone's happy with this! I'm happy! You're happy! Susan's happy! Ashley's happy! Happy! Everyone!


Now, that comment is making me wonder...is there anyway to interpret that comment as anything else than "sexy times could happen"? I can see Ashley giving sensual face licks of happiness to Susan or someone getting naked, but both of those things have happened in story before. (Let us all take a moment to appreciate the hard work of censor bird).


"Did I type that out loud?" HAHA!! As for the comic itself, color me surprised! But Susan does make a number of good points. However, is Ashley's first like supposed to have a question mark? It seems a bit out of place.


Awww, sweet moment for Ashely and Susan. Also, with how Rhoda and Catalina are normally attracted to Susan, one would think those "attractors" would act like magnets for them. Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if those things had their own gravitation pull.


Has cow horns, ears, coloring... but isn't "furry". 'Kay susan ;)

David Fenger

Big difference between having fur, and having coloured skin. It has been established in canon that wearing clothes over fur feels funny...


Context affects matters, and any of those things while in this context would be "more extreme" by my estimation. That said, you're not wrong.


I'm genuinely happy to see this - of all four players, Susan's the only one who's seemed like she's not had any fun being transformed, so it's great to see that change. As for other stuff happening... there are other cards that build attraction, right? So this doesn't <i>have</i> to turn into "everybody loves Susan" more than it already has, right? ...right? I understand that they all started off attracted to her and that there's an attraction mechanic in play, but the "everybody loves this one person" trope has always annoyed me. :( I've been hoping this whole storyline for more character interaction, and such interaction is hard when they're all focused on one person.


Hmm....then what I suppose would be most likely would be Catalina and Rhoda quoting Firefly, shuffling off with a brief "We'll be in our bunk". Unless all the characters are currently feeling a lot less inhibited than I'm reading them.


I'd have no problem if stuff happened...Wait, did I type that out loud? Maybe I did XD

Paul Rendell

But the real question is whether you'd be willing to post that stuff elsewhere, huh? 😉😉

Matt R

I didn't know I needed happy cowgirl Susan in my life, but now I want to see more happy cowgirl Susan


Well Susan, just wait till the cow part of you starts mooing like crazy.

Drew "Ununnilium" Perron

c.) Honestly, I know you'll probably never do smut, and I'm fine with that. I just want to say, your sweet, respectful take on romance and sexuality is exactly what I look for in smut, and find way too rarely.