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Look, you can accuse me of overusing that pattern on people's faces, but it's not ME doing that! Have you LOOKED at the animal kingdom?! It's all over the dang place!

Well, on a bunch of cows and dogs, anyway. I guess I could go asymmetrical. Some of them are like that. More commonly not, though!

Direct all complaints to nature itself.




So I'm guessing that Rhoda's cheerleader uniform doesn't come with support? That's inconvenient for an extra-busty dog girl. Catalina's new form is super adorable, though. :)

Anthony Wilson

I would assume that the transformation added some side-benefits that would make them unnecessary - skin more resilient to the 'tug' during a bounce, reducing the pain from such without compromising other tactile sensations, etc. Not sure how to stop them smacking you in the face on a particularly-vigorous upswing, though. :P EDIT: It's how I'd design it at least; why ruin everyone's busty fun by having boring old "physics" and "biology" butting in?

James C

... Um, perhaps (dare I suggest)... Magic? :P


I'm a little surprised that Ashley's figure didn't try to pet Rhoda's figure as she ran by. :) And I like the look on Catalina's face as she realizes she's about to be transformed.


Catalina's new form looks like it is rather hot. Warm! I meant warm...

