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Should be on the main site soon, but here it is right now, and, um...

Trying to think of a cow pun...

Oh, whatever. MOO!




Okay now this is one of my new faves haha

Andrew Diseker

How does hair become spotted? 😝


OMG That last panel!


Rocking the happy cowgirl look there

Danny Beans

Commence cowntdown. YOU'RE WELCOME


IKR, I suspect Rhoda & Catalina are considering a threesome.


Adorable is an understatement. The girl is perfect.


Ashley is just the best.


I realized on Friday that this is the first time Ashley's been transformed in an actual comic (not a pinup or sketchbook), so this is her finally getting what she's wanted for so long. And it's sexy-awesome. :) And I know I keep saying stuff like this, but Rhoda and Catalina's reactions have me so so hoping for attraction-based shenanigans.


meh... we should Mooo-ve on (sorry, it was for the joke ^^ )


Susan twisting her hair is a nice touch.


Udderly adorable!


Shouldn't Susan have squirrel features here? Rhoda still appears to be in busty golden cheerleader form, but Susan doesn't appear to have the squirrel ears and tail.


No, clothes do not have to stay on until the game is over...


NP post on the site calls that out, Dan says they will update.


Ashley was Made for this game! Or was this game made for Ashley... Myuuu !


Fairly sure, based on the form ability, it's actually a cowntup, as the other players find her more and more attractive (until someone manages to replace it with a different one, but it's looking like most forms are positive, so it'll probably be hard to find something to replace it with, given the implication seems to be she'll keep the Attract even after losing the form. I'm making a lot of assumptions there, though)

Daryl Sawyer

I do not understand the appeal of the lady bovine. :-\


I know that Adorable-Sexy is Dan's Ashley's niche. I know That. Simply outstanding. This is why I'm a Patreon.

Blitz Gamer

want a pinup of cow Ashley now


Oddly, the tail starting point bothers me way more in this than a lot of other cases. To the point of distracting me from the awesomeness of Ashley getting excited about her form. I think it's that in most other cases the tails have been fluffy enough to disguise the fact they're coming from mid back rather than extensions of the spine, where this one really emphasises where it's coming from. I do get the reasoning, and wouldn't argue with an artists decision. Could be I just spend too much time around real live cows.