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Poll description - Elliot becomes an exaggerated version of his female form in skimpy clothes with dog ears and a tail while licking an ice pop on a hot day 

EDIT - Minor wardrobe correction.

EDIT 2 - Several corrections of things I have no idea how I missed, and 1920 width versions of each row of the comic.

Look, the poll description didn't say pink haired candy woman Tedd couldn't be in this comic. Frankly, it was implied.

And no, I'm not sure if that's a different skin color or really fine fur. I guess that's open to interpretation? That's open to interpretation.



Connie Edogawa

well, now we have an option for the next Doubles survey: the end result of Tedd licking that, and the way those two end up "wrestling" like playful puppies.


TEDD'S ICE POPS - Enough Muto-Juice In Each To Transform A Mid-Sized Platoon!


I just have to ask what the full sign says.


Where is the full image?


Below the description is a paperclip image, and next to it the text 1703-Comic.png. That's the full image for download.


HAAAWWWWWTTTT!!! And by that, I mean it's clearly hot out there, and that ice pop must have really hit the spot for Elliot. Also, that tease of Tedd's dress popping open in the last panel is just evil. Though I feel like she should turn into a catgirl, to contrast Elliot's new dogishness. Caninity?

Stephen Gilberg

I'll say the obvious: Hot dog!


Is it just me or does the ice cream lady look like an under cover Tedd with pink hair?


She IS Tedd! :D I'm aware it can be hard to tell in my style and with pink hair, but she is :)


nice comic make more ^^