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"Dan, are you including adult teacher Hanma shown in a point of view perspective suggesting changes to the reader as a desperate gambit to placate those who might take issue with a week devoted to the rules of the game?"

Yes. Also, it seems like something she'd do.




Oh, I thought she'd suddenly gotten older, like the teacher from Ranma 1/2, since Ranma has kind of been a theme.


Oh, maybe she did.


Oh for sure. I instantly got a Hinako Ninomiya vibe from her in this comic. And I am allllll for that!


I wouldn't mind a larger picture of Sensei Hanna. For research. Failing that, I could always throw her into the next suggestion pool for pinups. "Hanna sensei ensuring she has her class's attention"


I think taking the time to explain the game is a good idea. When you have a storyline that's all about a game, and the reader needs to know how the game works to understand what's going on, better to do it this way than have it all come out in info-dumps while they're playing. So yeah, I have no problem with this. Also: thank you for adult teacher Hanma. You've made my Monday morning considerably better, and that's not an easy task. :)


Could Hanma be the girlfriend who broke up with Greg, resulting in him watching anime for a week straight and putting him on his path to power?


She went from Hanma to Huminahumina


Seeing as we have a working board game with elements that won't even come into play in this story, I wonder if we could get further sequels down the road, using the same game? If this is anywhere near as fun as the first Goonmanji, I think I'd enjoy that.


P.O.V. of Hanma-sensei giving a special, private lesson.