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There were three possible outcomes to Nanase asking for a little help, which I put to a vote. The results were:
  • Mrs. Kitsune becomes Nanase's age - 108
  • Nanase becomes Akiko's age - 63 
  • Mrs. Kitsune becomes even younger so Nanase can carry her out - 36 

I know all 108 of those who voted would not have done so if they knew Mrs. Kitsune would win up in such a skimpy outfit, and for that, I apologize.

EDIT - Freckle / Blush correction in panel two




Forget Mana Kitsune, Nase has the guns out! Daaaang. Oh, and now we know what she looked like as a young monster hunter, so there's that!


Now to have Akiko progress to Nanase and Mrs. Kitsune's age for the ultimate awkwardness, especially if all 3 are in front of Ellen. Mwahahaha.


Ah. How did Mrs. Kistune have Akiko if she is 63? Akiko is 11 (or 12 at this point) making Mrs. Kistune at least 51 or 52 when she had her.


P.S. I like that Nanase has those lines showing her muscles but I feel like they would look better darker. Just a smidge.

Stephen Gilberg

If you're not joking, 63 is the number of people who voted for Nanase to become Akiko's age.


I really like Nanase's outfit.


Wow, Nanase's mom was a babe at Nanase's age.


I had to resist so hard to call her a fox. You're welcome, Patrons


As much as I'm looking forward to the actual board game, I love the sheer amount of magical shenanigans going on in the lead-up. :)


I think Dan mentioned changing his musculature drawing style a while back, which would explain the lighter shade on the muscle tone lines.


Friggin' love this page! Not least because it's so cool to have had a small say in what transpired. I'd love for there to be more "what will happen in this upcoming page" polls in the future.


Even then, the oldest mother ever recorded was almost 67 when she gave birth to twins, it's rare but it happens.


I like that too. Non-canon stuff like this seems like a good place for it.


Wow, If she acted like a little girl, what's she going to act like now. Maybe sudden Hormones+animal nature will make her Flirty? Idk. Though, I would love to see her like this more. I have a feeling Goonmanji 2 will have ALOT of stuff I'm going to want to see more of.


Stop saying things that I really want to see but won't happen.


Hey Dan, I just noticed that the title on this Patreon post is wrong. It should be page 25, not 24. </pedantic>

Anthony Wilson

I've actually seen a lot of girls about Nanase's age wearing higher-waistband'd pants and shorts (like the pair Nanase's wearing) down here in Australia, so maybe they're making a bit of a comeback.

James C

So, if Rhoda can do this, and Tedd has figured out how to make spells to permanently modify someone's Base form, does this mean that their powers, combined, are the secret to eternal youth?