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Hanma has assumed the form of a young teen, but however you evaluate her age, she's actually older than that. Do you think it would be neat to see a grown up version of her before Goonmanji 2 is over, or would you prefer she just remained kid-like throughout?

I'm looking for opinions from everyone on this, hence the poll being public. Feel free to elaborate via comments (as if you need my permission to do so).



I think it would be neat if the "adult form" is the result of an event in the game that she didn't realize would mess with her, or something like that.

Matt R

I'd like to see the adult Hanma


I feel like showing her in adult form is a short step towards her being in pinups, which I don't think is okay given her clear emotional immaturity. I don't think of her as an adult, and I don't really want to see a childlike character in titillating scenarios

Cley Faye

For someone as "inspired" by manga and anime, having a random change of look is plausible.


I think that you've got a good thing going with Immortals looking as mature as they are, and I'd like a change in Hanma by the end, but what greatly prefer her not to go straight to adult, more like slightly older teen. Enough to mark character growth but not much more then that.


I think it would be a fun way to show character development.


I'd say my vote of "yes" is actually a "yes, but specifically for this reason". I really like the idea of the game getting her too.


For some reason I am having a really difficult time grasping the character design for her, so I'm hoping a different version of the character might help bridge that gap for me.


I've always liked seeing older depictions of young characters. Especially the ladies. :) Heck, that might make for a fun pinup! Maybe Tedd and Grace in their late 20s or something. Tedd in female form, of course. :)


I think she has a pretty good idea of what she considers fun and why. I believe she would like messing around in adult form.


I'd be interested in seeing a more mentally/emotionally mature Hanma, but not in one that's only physically grown-up


Physically adult is vastly separated in my mind from mature adult. The game might be able to physically age her, but I doubt it could grant her maturity. Thus, I voted no.


I'd be interested primarily to see a vastly different (but plausible) future Hanma. Otherwise, meh, whatever...

Connie Edogawa

I'd love to see it just to see what types of anime adults she draws inspiration from for her appearance. her young self at least appears to be your typical shonen/magical girl eccentric protagonist design, but would an adult hanma go for the "stern authority figure", the "impossibly curvy woman who is either extremely flirty or as dangerous as she is sexy", or the "cute, but otherwise normal looking bystander"? or any other anime adult I couldn't think of.


eh, i kinda like the immaturity inherent to Hanma's character, and the comedic paradox of this ageless being nevertheless being kinda a goofy anime kid stumbling about a culture she doesn't fully understand, despite having all the time in the world to go learn about it. plus, a character looking much younger than they actually are is such a standard anime trope, i'd think Hanma would be remiss to give it up.


What I think would be funny is if at some point Hanma gets somehow drawn into or affected by the game itself, and all the semi-random shenanigans that would entail. It might even be a personal growth moment, as she comes to realize just how inconvenient/embarrassing/etc some of the board game effects can be.


only maybe temporarily, but her original form should stay like this :)


She should keep adjusting her form to "look cuter", and accidentally basically just keep making herself younger until the point where she starts emulating Koenma age appearance from Yuyu Hakusho, and someone has to suggest to her to maybe tone it down a bit. XD


Older but not necessarily more mature. Unless she gets a card that makes her the same age but act more mature. Like, dissonance is involved. Looks like a teen acts like an adult, or looks like an adult but still acts like a teen.


Oh, she's definitely getting requested for pinups next month. You know this fan base. Having an already-established form that looks older can only be a good thing. If it helps, I'm pretty sure her whole personality is...not an act, but artificial. Look at young Jerry. His age is measured in weeks and he acts like a college student. Hanma is like she is because she wants to be.


Hasn't she looked older already? During the strip where she explain Immortals have no culture she looks significantly older, as well as sadder.


Honestly the idea of her age and maturity being in flux sounds like fun but that may fly too close to what we have with Box already.


I figure which ever works best for the story.


I was feeling no strong pull one way or the other, until I read this. This is a super fun idea and I'd want to see her choice too, though maybe just for a little while. Someone below suggested that she gets pulled into the game. So maybe Hanma has to 'act grown up for a turn' or something like that.

James C

Box seems to change apparent age as a direct display of maturity in her emotions/personality. I suspect Hanma would change to match the target demographic of whichever show she was watching/referencing. So lighthearted kiddie-shows would have her looking about 8, "young-adult" series would put her at her current age, colourless fiction about abusive relationships would make her a lonely 45, and shows about brightly coloured talking equines would make her mid-twenties and male...


It would be amusing for her to (accidentally?) show her grown-up form. Referring to why she doesn't like it could then be a running gag. And/or she could keep saying "that wasn't me!", leading to her showing herself as grown up (off panel and to assorted reactions).


May we get to see a possible printable version of the game they are going to play after the storyline is over?


I feel like there's an opportunity for humor by including a milf-y Hanma at some point.