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Not yet on the site yet as I post this due to cache wibble.

As one may well cleverly deduce, this comic was delayed more by writing than unbelievably complex artwork.



John Smith

As much as I am looking forward to Goonmanji 2, perhaps after this Ellen NP arc finishes, you should take a break from NP and catch up on pinups and such? I feel like a backlog of those has built up.


EGS:NP is part of Patreon, too, though I am crushingly aware of this issue. Things should be easier with Goonmanji 2, however. Unlike pretty much everything EGS:NP I've done recently, it is a structured storyline planned in advance. Most EGS:NP delays... Actually, all of them recently (with one exception) have been on the writing end.


Is the word Buts supposed to be . . . BUTTS?