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 Poll Description - Rhea and Charlotte catgirlified when Charlotte reads from a supposed (actual) magic book she found

New Years Eve had only been a week ago, but Rhea and her college friends, and friends of friends, were once again having a party. So many of the guests, and Rhea herself, couldn't remember much of it past a certain point. Everyone seemed to take this to mean that it had been an absolutely amazing party, and worthy of an encore.

Charlotte, who actually knew how narrowly they had escaped disaster the previous week, and who disliked parties, large groups of people, guests she didn't know very well in her home, etc., chose to stay upstairs and study a supposedly magical book she had been asked to make sense of.

Rhea, an extrovert who didn't know the meaning of the word "introvert", assumed Charlotte was simply being unhealthily antisocial again, and made it her mission to get Charlotte to join the party.

Rhea headed upstairs to get Charlotte just as Charlotte was, against her better judgement, reading a random paragraph from the book out loud. A glow emanated from its pages, and before either of them knew what was happening...

Charlotte was the only one who would know that this was the second week in a row in which everyone at Rhea's party became women, though she'd only have proper appreciation of this fact after several hours of everyone behaving like overly playful and affectionate cats, when the effects finally started wearing off.

The party was considered a massive success.


Incidentally, for anyone like me who thinks too much about this sort of thing, those are gloves and... Slippers? On their hands and feet. They still have ten fingers and ten toes each, it just doesn't look like it while wearing those goofy things.



Garry watts

Very cute indeed

Matt R

inb4 their dialogue includes a lot more cat puns

