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In which the visuals are highly influenced by responses to the previous comic, the one good thing about it being difficult to work ahead on an EGS:NP storyline like this (assuming one likes the results, anyway).




Yeah I definitely like how you draw heavier people


Second panel is definitely a improvement over first panel. Good show well done.

Kevin Wright

More zaftig catgirl Ellen plz.


It seems like a lot of folks support this zaftig look. Huh, neat!

James C

So, if Tedd designs a form with four or six arms, would that let Ellen mix/stack more beams?


Agreed. Both tasteful and very sexy! I think it just works really well in EGS style.

John Trauger

Is the world ready for 6x FV5? "I am Shiva, destroyer of men's minds!"

James C

Or we could just have a Spider-Man moment... "Wrong arm! It used to be a simple choice of right or left!" (S02E07)

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

The narrator already said he did, se clearly Tom is eager to learn, repent and reform. Is college or university coming up? Switching back part way through could be awkward. Best stay that way until after graduation. Records and certificates can be tweaked as necessary.


Smol Tom is cute.