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Comic delays to Story and EGSNP due to computer issue, will have next comics ASAP, more details below.

My relatively ancient computer has started having issues, and is either in need of repair or replacement. Given the "relatively ancient" adjective, I've chosen replacement (though I guess either would result in delays).

This resulted in production interruptions, and I've decided the best option is to, if possible, get a new computer set up and ready to go on Wednesday (as in make that my whole day).

I'm not sure if it will be possible, weather itself might be an issue, but attempting it is the plan.

If everything goes to plan, the next comic will be Friday.

I'll be posting public updates here (anyone following should get e-mails), and in the following places:

Blue Sky





Warren (Stephen) Rose

Thank you for taking a break now rather than working through it! Actual hardware fails with involved data loss suck. As a community, if you wanted to give yourself more time to get acclimated to the new setup, we'd probably be happy to to be bribed with behind the scene sketches showing us the design process of previous comics ;)


You're welcome, and thank you for seeing things this way! I'm not sure what I'd have done if I'd waited for a complete failure. There's a lot I've been able to do since making this post that will make setting up a new computer a lot easier.

William Clark

Good luck! I've been trying to migrate to my new computer for five years while only getting more and more attached to this old, obsolete, and overtaxed box....