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Let's get the next poll rolling!

The theme is "SPORTS!" Thanks for the character suggestions!

Vote for as many characters as you like, and I'll pick from the top voted and draw them wearing a variety of cute sports uniforms and stuff.

It's gonna be the usual 2 cards and 3 stickers. I actually already have an idea of what I wanna do for the cards. I might go with that idea, but the poll results will still factor in my decision. I'll try and share a sketch of the idea later if I have enough time.

You've got until Wednesday to vote! I might end the poll early so I can get started drawing them.



Awesome! Akane Owari made it on the poll! No idea how far she'll get, but that's awesome on its own! Looking forward to the results of this one for many reasons!


You for sure already have an idea for the cards, but man I gotta get this idea out there. What if like, the cards were companion pieces? Like whoever you choose to be the cards this month are both dressed up as like... Basketball or Baseball captains, same general uniform but in diffrent colors and putting the cards next to each other makes one bigger picture. If not now, there's surely gotta be a chance for that some other time!