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Hey Patrons!

Here are some super quick rough sketches for the next reward set. Thanks for helping me pick out a few characters from my "meaning to draw them" list, haha.

For the cards it's gonna be Rouge the bat and Sniper Wolf. For the back of Sniper Wolf's card I wanna try and make it look like her codec portrait. I dunno if that might be too ambitious for the time I have, but I'll see what I can do.

For the stickers, it's Mai Valentine, Naga the Serpent, and Professor Sada! I'm not sure yet what the mini sticker will be.

You might notice the stickers are back to 3 instead of 4. Unfortunately I'm gonna have to go back to just 3 a month. They're just getting too damn expensive. Also, I haven't been happy with the size of the latest stickers, and I'm hoping that by cutting it down to 3 I can afford to increase the size a tiny bit.

Look forward to seeing these all finished soon! I've actually got a lot to do this week, so I've really gotta get move fast to get these ready in time 💀💦💦💦


Sort of related, I'm not really sure what I wanna do for the next few month's character/reward polls. I might make a brainstorming post in early Feb, so start thinking up some ideas and characters if you wanna join in that and help out!



Hannibal Burgers

Agree with Nian, a basketball or sneaker theme sounds like a really fun idea for March


And yeah I like what the other two are saying, you could even make it more general with sporty or athletic girls if you wanted to be more broad with it. Looking forward to this and whatever you do next!