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Hey patrons!

I've caught the Metal Gear Solid bug and I suddenly had a bunch of ideas for some new merch, haha. They're very rough drawings, so apologies if it's hard to see what's going on, but I felt like sharing.

The first image is: 

  • a lanyard with the MGS3 ladder
  • some standee/diorama ideas based on MGS1 bosses. I wanna make them look like little rpg battles.
  • a double-sided charm with Snake in the box, gnawing on a ration.

The 2nd image is gonna be impossible to read, lol, but it's a print concept for the first Metal gear Solid game. I've got a ton of prints still needing to be finished, so this one's going into that pile. Prints aren't big sellers outside of conventions, so they always get sidelined. But I'm gonna complete them someday. Maybe for Anime Expo?

I'm still planning to reopen the store in mid February, and I'm gonna try to have at least a few of the things from the first image completed in time for that. For the standees, I'm leaning towards completing the Gray Fox one first.


Now some more updates:

The character poll is almost done. Once it's ended I'll start sketching some of the top voted. When I've got some sketches I'll share em here! I just have a few things to finish before those.

• I might be traveling in early April, and because of that I might need to cancel on C2E2 again. I'm weighing my options at the moment. If I do cancel, I'll probably open the shop for a 2nd mini-sale in March.




Already down for all of these since I need more MGS stuff in general!


If you make any Kojima merch EVER, I will buy it. It's the law.