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My next plushie launches on the 18th on makeship! I'll post a reminder once it goes live


This time it's the Skeleton's turn! I'm hoping they'll be down for more afterwards, but I haven't discussed it with them lately. I imagine if this campaign is a success they'll be more open to do more. Next up I'd probably wanna make Giri, the oni.

Anyway, here's a whole batch of promo images I made for the campaign! It's a little less meme-y than the Gotchapon stuff, but I'm sure I'll think of a bunch more as the campaign runs, haha. I had fun drawing the Skull King. He's the first major antagonist of the game concept that the Skeleton, Gotchapon, and Giri are from. Hey maybe he'd make for a funny plushie too... 🤔

I'm gonna do another sticker promo to go along with preorders of the plushie once it's live! More info on that later.

I have some alternate versions of a few of these that I'll share tomorrow, and I even made a short little animation. Look forward to those!


Coming up soon will most likely be the new Standee pinups, and hopefully soon afterwards I'll have the new NSFW post ready. Thank you for being patient this month! It's been a busy one and I'm not even half done, lol 💀💦💦




I need more Onigiri in my life. 🙏🙏🙏


These look great! I'm definitely looking forward to supporting this one! Also I feel we all need more bunny girl Onigiri. Maybe a sticker or a standee?