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Hello patrons and newcomers!

March blew by fast! But in April I'll be sure to shower you all with new artwork!


...here's the monthly news and updates;

  • This Month's rewards are now live! You can see them on a previous post. There are three stickers and 2 tarot cards this month. The theme is Bunny girls!
  • Moving forward this month; I'm working hard on the next Demon's Layer chapter. With some luck I might even be able to finish it up! But I do also have to make some time for updates here on Patreon. I have the next reward poll planned out and that'll be ready tomorrow.
  • The Gotchapon plush was a success!! I'm super happy that it worked out. There's a Skeleton plush design ready too, and I'm waiting to hear back if Makeship wants to move ahead with it.
  • Store update: I'm restocking and getting ready, but ordering stuff is gonna take a little while. It might be ready later this month, or maybe in May. We'll just have to see. I apologize it's taking so long, but I have a rough time multitasking things and the store's inventory grows more every time I open it, and thus takes more and more planning and work every time. If there's anything specific you want to see restocked, please feel free to comment below! 
  • General life/work update: I'm looking to do conventions again! Fanime is coming up in less than 2 months, but they haven't gotten back to anyone yet about tables, so at this point it might be too late. I don't know if I can manage stocking up for both that convention and the Store at the same time, and I'd probably prioritize the store. Either way, I'm all set for Anime Expo in the summer, and I'm hopeful for C2E2, Anime NYC, and NYCC later in the year.
  • The next new art posts will be up in the later half of next week!

That's about all for this update! Stay safe and healthy everyone!

Thank you for your support!



I would love to see some of those gotchapon stickers restocked.