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Let's get rolling on the next poll for February's rewards!

Thanks for the character suggestions! Once again it was hard to narrow them down, and I hope you don't mind me adding in some of my own characters too.

The theme is sort of a general monster girl theme, but I might also make them sort of valentines-y. From the top voted, I'll pick about 5 and make next month's reward set. At the moment I'm thinking it'll either be 3 stickers and 2 TCG cards again, or 3 stickers and one holographic TCG card (the holo cards cost a lot more than normal cards 💦). But these plans might change.

You've got until next Wednesday to vote, and you can pick as many characters as you like!




Power sticker would be awesome!! 🤣


Manifesting Power and Robin AAAAAAAA so many bangers