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I've been meaning to try out this theme for a while! Recommend some Cat-Girls! 

They can be any character relating to cats! Cat ears, furries, or just humans with a general cat-theme. Anything goes!

From your suggestions, I'll grab a few and maybe do a poll. Or if there are some that I really like I might just skip right to the reward drawings. I'm gonna be pretty busy this month, so we'll see what I have time for.

At the moment, I'm thinking the rewards will be 2 TCG cards and 3 full-body pinup stickers! I wanna try out larger non-chibi stickers.

I may also pick a few characters for a NSFW pinup or two! Again, we'll see what I have time for.

Comment below with character suggestions!

I'll start with one, and you can back it up if you like it: Angewomon with Gatomon's ears/tail



Andrew DeCrescenzo

Who can forget the Yu-Gi-Oh! card, "Thunder Nyan Nyan"? Speaking of which, there are other cat girls from Yu-Gi-Oh! cards as well... "I:P Masquerena", "Lunalight Blue Cat", "Cat Girl", "Cat Girl Magician", "Twin Tail Cat Lady", etc. I wouldn't mind seeing a non cat girl in a cat costume. Didn't Aqua from Kingdom Hearts have a cat ear headband costume in that one game? Otherwise, random girls like Jill Valentine with cat ears would also be cool.


Black Cat Ann Takamaki - Persona 5 Vanilla or Chocola from Nekopara