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Hello patrons and newcomers!

It's November! Or as I like to call it, "Extended Halloween".

Here's the monthly news and updates;

  • This Month's rewards are now live! You can see them on a previous post. There are four stickers and one card this month!
  • Moving forward this month; I'm gonna get the next reward theme and NSFW poll started soon! The results of those polls will probably cover the majority of this month's updates. I'm gonna try and take it easy this month because I kinda burned out getting the store ready for halloween.
  • I'm back to work on the next chapter of Demon's Layer and a few other work things. But I don't think they'll interfere with Patreon updates.
  • The store will return for the final big Smash Bros sale in early 2022! I'll also have some new non-smash stuff too. The Halloween sale was a huge success! Thanks everyone! I hope you all receive your merch very soon, if you haven't already.
  • Coming up later today will be a mini-poll where you can help me decide on this month's theme. I'm having a hard time settling on one.
  • I'm not planning on doing it this month or next, but something I've been considering for a while is phasing out the "Skullbro" tier in favor of having a larger "Skullking" tier.  I liked having a second, cheaper option available, but it seems like most people want the larger bundle. And I can only mail out so many letters each month. If you have any thoughts on this, leave a comment below!
  • The first new art posts will be up in a week or two! Apologies in advance for the slow start this month.

I hope everyone had a fun and spoopy halloween!

Stay safe and healthy everyone! If you haven't yet, please get vaccinated, and keep wearing those masks!

Thank you for your support!


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