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Hey everyone,

UPDATE: I've got the 10 volunteers. Thanks everyone! I'll have everything mailed out as soon as I can.

I have some unfortunate news. It looks like my postcard supplier has come up short on my order. I'm 10 cards short of what I need for everyone's rewards. (This is actually the 3rd time they've done this, but it wasn't a problem before because there were less spots available in the skullking tier. I should have ordered extra just in case. I'm very sorry.)
I contacted the supplier to let them know what they did but I doubt they'll send me the extras I need. And even if they do send them, these cards were already late and I don't think I'd get the extra cards before the end of the month.
So, I have what I think might be a better solution; If 10 people can volunteer in a comment below, I can mail you one of the previous month's postcard designs instead! 
If you look at the 2nd image, you can see what I still have available. It's every design minus the peach/daisy card (that one sold out in the store). The Raven and Tharja cards are a set, and I only have 7 available, but you get both cards in that set.
Again, I'm very sorry about this. In the future I'll be looking for a new postcard supplier. For October's rewards, I'm already planning to use a different site that specializes in TCG sized cards. The stickers have also arrived and I'm planning to mail everything out this weekend.




Bruh put me on there and no need for another card :)


I’m late but I’m glad you filled the spots =)