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Continuing the goth girl summertime theme, August's card will be two TCG sized cards of Raven and Tharja!

I'm drawing a lotta raven this month, haha. I had fun making these though. I tried to make them look a lot like the recent full-art trainer cards from the pokemon TCG  I'm already planning to make more, but I'm gonna see how these print first.

As usual, please do not reupload these anywhere or give them away to non-subscribers. Thank you for your support!


These will both be available as next month's reward, along with all the new sticker designs! More details about which tier gets what on the 31st.

Following up next is the high-res and PSD for these drawings, a timelapse video, and after that I'd like to do one more pinup, but I'm short on time this coming week due to some plans... If I do manage it, it might be closer to the end of the month. 
