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Hello patrons and newcomers!

Hard to believe it's July already. 2021 is flying by. 

Here's the monthly run down of updates!

  • This Month's rewards are now live! You can see them on this post. There are Four stickers and a postcard print this month.
  • There are some fairly big changes to the schedule starting this month. I go into more detail in this post. The simplified version is: 1. More rewards for both reward tiers, including two stickers for the $10 tier now and 2. Fewer pinups per month, but still a minimum of two, plus a poll and the usual PSDs and WIP stuff. -- I'm cutting back on the weekly content because I've been hitting major burnout way too often. So it's gonna be less pinups, but more stickers and stuff each month to make up for the change. I'm hoping this will result in better content and much less stress.
  • Moving forward this month; The first poll is gonna begin tomorrow! It'll be sticker focused, just like last month's smash poll. I think you'll all like this one. I have some plans for the rest of the content this month too. I'd really like to do a new image set.
  • The store is still coming back. I've begun ordering things and recounting leftover stock from last time. I have much more left over than I realized, so I won't need to order as much as I thought I would. Some items that I wanna order might take an extra amount of time to arrive, so I'm working out how to schedule the reopening. I might need to do like a 2nd round of sales later on for acrylic charms, if those are late.
  • The next new artwork will be up either this weekend, or early next week! It's a bonus though, and not part of the monthly content.

That's all for now! Stay safe and healthy everyone! Get vaccinated and keep wearing those masks!

Thank you for your support!



What about doing preorders for the stuff you don't have yet?


It's a possibility. If I can get a guaranteed delivery date on things (which doesn't always happen) then I could seriously consider it. If not, I could wind up with some orders sitting around for an extra long time.