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Hey Patrons! Here are the physical rewards for June 2021! This month it's Three stickers and a postcard print;

  • Subscribers to the $10 Skullbro tier will receive: a Harley Quinn sticker
  • Subscribers to the $20 Skullking tier will receive: the Harley sticker, a Bikini-Suit Samus sticker, A 2B sticker, and a 4x6 collectable postcard of Fusion-Suit Samus!

Spots are very limited, and I usually close them off around the middle of the month. Starting this June, I’m opening the reward tiers to all countries! On a trial basis for now, and it might take a long time to arrive if you're outside the USA.

The reward tiers will be available for signups on the 1st of the month! Remember, if you'd like to upgrade, you'll need to change your Tier and not just edit your pledge amount. An explanation on how to do that can be found here. Also please remember to add your address and keep it updated. More information can be found here.

Expect some possible delays in getting your letter. And remember; even if you decide to drop out before the end of the month, you'll still get the reward you paid for.

Stay safe and stay healthy everyone!




Hey, all I’m seeing is the 2 tiers, 1 and 5 dollars. Are the others full?


"The reward tiers will be available for signups on the 1st of the month". The $10 and $20 tiers close mid-way into the month, after I mail out the stickers. New signups have to wait until the 1st of the following month.


Thank you! Got it. Didn’t get that at first. Thank you.


No prob. They'll be back up sometime before Noon PST tomorrow. If you wanna upgrade, this page has the info on how to do that: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000126286-Update-my-membership-amount


I just saw this update and subscribed to Skull King because I NEED that See You Next Mission art - I assume I’m good to go?


Right now it's listing you under the "skullbrain" tier, but sometimes patreon's system can be a little weird and take a day or two to sort out. Did you select the new tier or did you manually edit your amount? This page has clearer instructions: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000126286-Update-my-membership-amount


oh now I see your name listed in the reward checklist, so you might be good. It does list you as "former patron" though which is weird. I think Patreon's system might just be bugging out. I'll give it a day or two to sort itself out.