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Hey patrons!

Here's some more concept art for my original project; "Doki Doki Demon Dungeon" aka the "Skeleton Hero" project. An RPG based heavily on Mario RPG.

Here's another look at the still unnamed Beast boss that I mentioned in my earlier post. Quoting from that post: "a feral beast that likes to stalk and paralyze its prey. It gobbles up the skeleton who then has to fight the heart of the beast. It's sort of a mashup of Bowyer, Belome and Tubba Blubba (mario RPG and Paper Mario)"

You encounter this boss in an underground forest, inhabited by living mushroom people. Some work for the monster, but others live in fear of his random attacks. His arrows are actually utensils. Perfect for gobbling up little mushroom people. I haven't designed a bow for him yet, because I wanted to try and think up a way for him to use his mouth and tongue like a bow, haha. I'm not totally settled on his current colors.

This is the part of the story where you're introduced to "S'Crow" the mysterious scarecrow. He's been protecting the mushroom people, and now he's asking the Skeleton to help him stop the Beast.




Are you intending to make this a game or a comic? Because I think it could work both ways


Ideally I want this to be a game. I don't have the know-how to do that, so for now I'm working on figuring out the characters and story, with help from a friend.