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  • Jill_nudie_timelapse.mp4



Here's a timelapse of the Jill pinup! I can't upload this one to youtube, so you'll have to download it with the link below!

I kinda fumbled around with this one a lot, so I kept the video short at 60 seconds.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!




Is it okay to ask questions about your process? I’m a huge colour and inking styles nerd and I just love to gush with other artists about their approaches to shading and such. But don’t want to ask something you might rather keep for yourself.


Thanks! I’m particularly enamoured with your colour palettes. Mind if I ask how you approach shading? Do you eyeball the colours or maybe use a multiply layer and then adjust them? I’m an inker for comics so I have always been a nerd for inking techniques but lately I’ve been falling down the rabbit hole of digital colours and I just... want to talk about it with every other artist and know their preferred method xD


A bit of both actually. A lot of time I just eyeball it and it's a lot of trial and error. And other times I'll use a lightly saturated color on a multiply layer. In those cases I usually wind up flattening the layer on top of the colors so I can make some adjustments. My whole approach is to kinda wing it until it starts to look passable, haha.