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Hey Patrons,

Starting with today's post I’m gonna be making one change; High-res files will no longer be available for download for the $2 tier.

I’m very sorry to have to make this change, but I’ve been notified that a lot of the high-res files are being leaked onto various sites. I’ve noticed a few people sign up for the $2 tier and immediately cancel, and I suspect they may be signing up for the minimum so they can grab the files and repost them...

I hope you understand, and as always, thank you for your support!

EDIT: To clarify, this is just about the high-res files. Everyone will still have access to new art, including the nsfw posts.



Great, so the rest of us get screwed.


Totally understand why you gotta make this change. It sucks that those people ruined it for the honest members of that tier, but you can only do what you can to try and prevent that.


So just to clarify, for those that are in the $2 tier will no longer have access to the NSFW art any more?


huh? That's not what I said at all. This is just about the high-res files. All tiers still have access to all new art.


Totally understandable I feel, sucks for the ppl who were good about it and just liked the Hi-Rez images, but I think it’s better this way if it means they’ll get reposted less 👍


Oh ok, sorry if a misread it thank you for the clarification

Jeff B. Hughes

Sorry to hear that keep on going


I don't mind terribly much about not having the same pictures I'd get anyway, but at a much higher resolution. As I like to say, why pay for pixels you won't use?