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This one started as a warm up sketch, but I liked it enough to finish it. I've really been meaning to draw more One Piece stuff.

In the following days I'll be posting a PSD, a WIP, and an Alternate version!

Below is a Large-res version! Feel free to download it with the link and give a look! But please do not print it, sell it, upload anywhere, or give it away to non-subscribers. 

(PS the Booette pic might have to wait a bit due to the holidays. It's about half done.)



Cheese Al Fonte

Turned out even better than I thought, lovely work

Joe shmoe

Love it!! Will there be a nude version?


LOVING this outfit for Nami! i like that it's a spin on her original outfit possibly the same bikini top she has during the time skip


i adore this outfit so much! its so perfect