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Greetings users! sometimes when doing the pages there are scenes that look cool, but are hidden bcuz of the text, so i decided to share the no text verson of the comic, this is going to work as an early access of this reward too since im going to upload each page the very moment i finish it, this reward is for Skull Arcade users only so they are going to have the access early, is going to be the no text version anyways so you are going to see just the scenes (some users like to see the scenes), the text version will be uploaded for skull arcade and raven haven users when i finish all the pages of the month, remember that i share my rewards on 27 to 29(in case of february x_x) 30 or 31 of the month

i am going to start giving the access to this new reward, so you are going to have the notification on your email soon!

i am going to notify here when i finish a new page so you can check the folder!

also, i was going to do this with the royal guards comic too... but as you know i lost the og files from the cover to page 16 so i cant do the edits T_T, but im planning on doing those pages in the new style in the future so i can share the no text version too!




Looking forward to the no text files of Royal guards comic. At least those of the later pages where things got steamy!!!