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Hello all! New pic is done and files are loading on cloud, links just below this post.  Hope you like the result) Next pic will be something of mine, don't know yet what characters i'm gonna draw.




me - Finished work and have some free time sun - hides heavy rain clouds - appears.

Tensaiga (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-30 12:19:47 Damn, resubbed now that I have more money so sorry for late post but..it disappoints me how few comments your FANTASTIC Yuri gets. I know het seems to be your patron's favorite by the constant wins, but know that you have forever supporters of your yuri <3
2021-08-05 06:34:03 Damn, resubbed now that I have more money so sorry for late post but..it disappoints me how few comments your FANTASTIC Yuri gets. I know het seems to be your patron's favorite by the constant wins, but know that you have forever supporters of your yuri <3

Damn, resubbed now that I have more money so sorry for late post but..it disappoints me how few comments your FANTASTIC Yuri gets. I know het seems to be your patron's favorite by the constant wins, but know that you have forever supporters of your yuri <3