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Thank you everyone who responded to the previous text post about the Request Tier.
It really means a lot.

I have a clearer plan for this Tier going forward.
I think I'll go the middle route by cutting down the slots and upping the price.
4 Slots, $80 each.

I'll make this change when December hits. That means this current Request Tier will be deleted.
I thank everyone of you who have stuck around and supported me through these requests. I enjoyed my time with all of you. I'm also sorry for some if this was a short time getting to communicate with me on pieces.

It's up to all of you once this new tier drops to get a slot. I'll also make a note for myself to ask patrons to pass up their slot after a couple times.

Again, Thank You for your interaction. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.



On board with this honestly. Even if it means not getting a slot for a while, if it means less stress and work on you then that's great! Still gonna be support and start saving for comms now lol. The stuff I've gotten during the time pledged definitely made me wanna stay on no matter what.

Commissar Spuds

I think this is more than a fair change. Your art is always a pleasure to see and I'm so happy with each piece I've managed to get from ya, over the years. Always a pleasure to work with you and I hope to do it more in the future. Happy to hear you are cutting down on your workload and possibly stress too. Take care buddy, and here's to a better path moving forward!