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Hey everyone. There's something that's been eating away at me as of late. And it's related to the Request Tier again. Lately, I've just been feeling completely swamped and getting burned out much quicker than usual. And that's mainly the reason for my low amount of output each month.

What I really want to express to you all is that I want each month to feel fresh and fun for me. To at least make one personal piece alongside the requests and more consistent monthly polls.

So, I'm thinking to change up the request tier once again. This change is more so a push for support and wellbeing instead of trying to pump out rushed or boring content. 

That being said, I would like to address the flaws I've made with this current request tier. I think I've been too nice with how things have gone. Yes, I've asked for slight idea changes or minor adjustments to initial requests, but it's still what the you guys want. And sometimes it can still be too much. Giving the option for 2 characters for just $40 a month is a little ridiculous. While these are not the most detailed pictures, there are times where I'm drawing multiple character pieces a month. Theoretically, there's a chance that all 8 supporters could ask for multiple characters along with an alt. 16 Colored Drawings I would need to pump out. (It's actually gotten close to that at one point) There are also times where two characters are requested and one of them is from a third party. While sending a quick WIP, I don't want to wait for that third party to respond with their feedback for a $40 dollar drawing that they DID NOT pay for. For full on commissions, that's fine, but for a monthly thing, no. As a mistake on my part, I still do too much for what is supposed to be a Flat Color Request. My ADD can't just relax with that.

Those are my current concerns at the moment. Now I would like to move to what can change or discuss potential alternatives:

1. We can keep everything the same, just remove the option for multiple characters. (Single Character, Flat Color + Optional Alt)

2. Raise the Price of the Tier while reducing the number of slots. Quality of art will be slightly better along with multiple characters. EX: [$50/7] [$60/6] [$70/5] [$80/4] The last option would be the best in this case. For support and wellbeing 

3. 3 Guaranteed Commission Slots. Would be a Discounted ver. of my public comms. and Patrons would switch out each month. Updates to open slots will only be here, as an incentive for people to pledge and stick around. If people were to unpledge and switch out, wait till the next new month so that i can refund you your money. Will still be regulated to Flat Color Comms but the Price will be $150. Includes Multiple Characters + Alts. (Regular Price for 2 characters is $175) Discussing and Planning will be more in depth so that we can both agree on what you'd like. 

These are just the best examples I can think of. Not necessarily flat but I will gladly put some time to do some slight rendering for these Comms. Again, can have 1 or 2 characters for $150. I will be stricter on these, either telling you to pass up your slot, or if we vibed when making this, I'll consider another month with you.

hats all I can think of with this issue I'm facing. If any of the alternatives are to your liking (Option 2 or 3) then this current Request Tier will be nuked and a new one will be made. 

Making this post is for me. I would like to have more time to work on other personal projects while still providing for people on here. I've said it a lot but I'm sorry that most of my content here is for other people and I don't want that. I want this to change. I was thinking of making this change next year but I might make this happen in December. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK. I WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS THIS WITH MY PATRONS.

This last half of the year ended up being rough for me, but we can all make this better.
Thank You for your time.


Seabridge Drive

I feel 1 would be the most optimal option as it would ease a lot of work for you while still giving the pledgers something for their gratitude.

Shark Boiiii

It is alot to do for 2 characters when you're getting 40 bucks for it. So personally I think lowering it down to 1 Character [Option 1] or going with option 2 would be best for ya. Option 1 doesn't put too much work on ya which is always nice. But it's your call tho in the end, just hope it helps ya out