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It's July Time!

- Off the bat, comms have been an undertaking for me these past months. Accepting more and more, little by little without any time to breathe. But I'm happy to say that my queue will be empty pretty soon!! And I'll be able to accept a brand-new batch of comms. I will implement slots this time to give myself a limit. I'll also implement something new by giving people a 10% Discount if they involve any of my OCs. It's gotten to that level, but I REALLY do want to draw them.

- In addition, I'll try my best to take it easy for myself and indulge in personal pics.

- The poll winner last month was very pleasant to work on but I'm on the fence about doing another one for this month. Just trying not to pile on a lot of work for me immediately. We'll see. Possibly after i finish and accept new comms.

- Requests were a joy as usual and i thank everyone for that. Same deal as last time, I'll hit you guys up pretty soon/ if you're already prepared, hmu whenever. I'm going to try and focus completely on them so that they get finished faster!

- This month was a roller coaster. Throughout June i was feeling nonstop MID, with some MAJOR LOWS. Staying on Twitter has really made me hate people and myself. In general, I do nothing but compare myself to others and it's hurting me. It's always the thought of, "they seem more happier than me even though we're doing the same thing..." Now i think people just see me as the Commission Guy with no Sense of Individuality. I tend to keep my socials empty from text opinions and nonsense, but it also feels like whenever I do, I get no engagement. Granted, whenever I do make a normal tweet, i get weirdos always trying to be "funny" or "quirky" when I'm completely serious. Which makes me want to avoid engagement. Idk it's stupid. I fucking hate Twitter. If anything, it's better to stay quite than to be a conceded prick who thinks everyone enjoys what they have to say. 

-Anyways, i don't want to completely vent. I mentioned this to my therapist, and she told me alternative actives to distract myself with whenever i needed a break. And that's been helping. Exercise has slowly stopped but with every new month, i feel motivated to get back on my routine. I want to show more progress pics!!

Despite the garbage in my head, June was surprisingly a busy and productive month. And I'm ready to continue this momentum!
Take Care Everyone!


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